I had a delicious dinner tonight of tostadas that my lovely and talented (not to mention beautiful) wife cooked up.
My daughter was remarking as she ate just the cheese topping that she only likes certain cheese (not the white and orange mixed together).
It got me thinking about what the cheese you eat says about your finances.
-Low income cheeses (Cheez Whiz, Cheezies, Cheetos, Easy Cheese, etc) -if you eat much of this cheese you’re probably one of two things (a frugal but not health conscious millionaire, or perhaps a poor but not health conscious low income earner). You may also be somewhere in the middle and just love eating processed cheese. I mean, cheese in a can is pretty cool. And spelling cheese with a Z? Come on, that’s marketing brilliance!!
-Middle-class cheeses (marble, cheddar, mozzarella, etc) These cheeses SCREAM practicality from the room tops! Few things are more middle class than these cheeses. Cheese and crackers, cheese on nachos and hamburgers, cheese for pizza, these middle-class cheeses can do it all. They’re the renaissance men of cheeses, the Da Vinci’s of fromage, the Ryan Seacrest of the cheese world (that guy is everywhere). They get the job done but they’re not fancy. They’re never going to impress you with their flashiness but they rarely disappoint.
Upper middle-class cheeses (Swiss Emmentaler, cheddar (some), Havarti, Monterey Jack, Blue, Brie, etc) -these cheeses have more style and pizzazz than the previous group. Not only will they get the job done, but they taste and look great while doing it. Albeit a bit more expensive, they’re worth the extra cost for the benefits they bring. Valuists don’t hesitate to part with their hard earned cash to take home these crowd pleasers. In fact, they’ll even go so far as to pay a premium to enjoy these varieties as part of a delicious fondue.
Living in the lap of luxury (Caciocavallo Podolico, Pule, Clawson Stilted gold, etc.) -have you ever heard of these? Me neither. Ranging from cheese with edible gold to those made from the milk of Serbian donkeys, these cheeses are the stock and trade of the rich and famous. And with price tags from $450-$650 A POUND (that’s right...A POUND) it’s safe to say these delicate morsels will never grace my lips.
So what cheese are you?? Did I miss any of your favorites?
May 10, 2018 at 01:36AM