I've (M33) been browsing here to find out what I can do for or about my aging mother. She's in her 50s and literally lives paycheck to paycheck. Her rent is about 40% of her take home pay and she has a mid 2000s hatchback that is falling apart with every mile. While being paid off, it has some serious issues which she just seems to ignore. IE she drove in Arizona, where we live, with no AC for a whole year, opting instead to just drive with the windows down.......in the 110+ weather.
She has no checking account, savings, retirement or anything more than her standard bi-weekly check. I pay all of her bills, and give her an allowance out of her pay to basically live off of. She has tried to get a checking account and all the local banks refuse, but she wont tell me why. She is such a secretive person I do not even know her birth year, or date 100%. She claims she is escaping the things in her past so she cannot divulge. Absolute lunacy...
Anyway I imagine she will eventually become my financial burden which I do not need or want. Since she lives a cash based lifestyle, she has no debt to speak of but I am afraid her eventual passing may bring up some proverbial financial skeletons.
Some questions:
Can I take out life insurance on her to help offset her end of life expenses etc?
Can I check if she has filed taxes recently? I am under suspicion she has not in a few years.
I suspect she may owe money to some banks. Can I check that out too?
While many will suggest to sit down and have a frank, albeit hard discussion with her, I've tried. All she does is avoid it, throw a fit or some other tactic to avoid the current situation.
Help me figure out how to help her, o at the very least minimize the burden on me and my immediate family as any major expenses would put us in dire straights.
Thanks in advance!
Submitted April 08, 2018 at 04:13PM by FUNwithaCH https://ift.tt/2H5Cdw3