I just purchased my first home, and it's been great other than the kitchen sink. We used it for about a week without noticing any problems, but today it backed up. The sink is a brand new installation with a garbage disposal. I'm not sure if it didn't back up before because we didn't use it for long enough or because it's clogged. After letting the backed up water drain overnight, I can run the water for about 45 seconds before it backs up into the sink. I tried:-Plunging the sink-Plunging the sink after blocking off the dishwasher hose inlet-Snaking the sink drain (I got all 25' of my snake down the drain, and it came out spotless)-Testing the flow of water through the garbage disposal. I put a bucket under the garbage disposal outlet to make sure that the water was coming out at the same speed it was going in.Because the snake came out clean after 25' of snaking and the garbage disposal itself wasn't clogged, I feel like it's got to be something with how the pipes are configured. I think the problem is that my garbage disposal drain output is the exact same height as the drain pipe from the wall. I'm having a tough time visualizing how this works... is this the source of my problem?Here are some pics: http://ift.tt/2Dajmdf via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2FmtWny