Hi Everyone! My SO and I currently live in Interior Alaska and planning a big move this summer down to the lower 48. We aren't 100% sure where yet but he has family on the east coast so our plan is to save enough money to not work for a while and perhaps explore a bit to figure out where we really want to settle down.
Here are some things we've done the past few years to save money. -Quit Smoking, Moved into a dry cabin (no plumbing but rent is cut in half), Meal planning/cooking/ eating in, pack lunches for work, take coffee from home, cut entertainment costs (going out to the movies etc), no home internet, no cable, cheapest (40/month) smart phone plans possible, buy used/ thrift clothes & other items, drive older vehicles...
We both do have student loans but those costs are fixed, there are no discount grocery or dollar stores here and the cost of living is pretty high. We're also pretty isolated so many times when you need something there is just one (or no) options. We also cannot bike and/ or take public transportation to work. Too cold to bike (some people do even in 40 below but I say hellll no! and these people also generally have really expensive bikes &gear) And the public transportation (which is just a city bus) is super limited in its routes and schedule and doesnt coincide with either of our jobs.
Does anybody have other frugal tips or ways of saving money that might give our savings a much needed boost before we take off this summer? Thanks in advance!
February 28, 2018 at 06:34PM