Background: I had the $20/mo student plan and was facing a $100 early termination charge after using it for a few months. I decided to downgrade to a photography plan, thinking it would equal a $66 early termination plan (plus the $11 for the month), at worst. Now, just minutes after I've downgraded, when I go to cancel that membership I'm presented with the option to get a REFUND since I'm within the 14 days cancellation period. There were several possible outcomes here: 1) It could revert me to the old plan with a $99 early termination fee. 2) Simply refund me the $11. 3) Something else entirely.
TL;DR: I was refunded all of my money, no cancellation fees, early term. fees, etc. (Cue the confetti, trumpets, horse parade. I danced a bit). My account now lists me as having a "free membership". I promptly deleted all information left in my adobe profile. Cheers! (cross posted to /ulpt)
March 15, 2018 at 04:17AM