All my life I've had shoes that weren't that great in terms of fit or quality, and at this point aside from work boots and a pair of dress shoes (that I don't even like) I don't have a nice pair of oxfords I could wear to work with khakis or out with friends/on a date with a nice pair of jeans.
I've been reading a bunch of things here and in /r/goodyearwelt, and I looked at the relevant links in the sidebar but I admit I'm a bit overwhelmed.
I don't want to go buy yet another pair of shoes I'm not even all that happy with at a department store and end up having to toss them in a year when they start coming apart.
Any help or advice is greatly appreciated. At the moment I'm thinking of going to a Red Wings store in the next few days.
Submitted February 20, 2018 at 03:08AM by BlueVapor