So I have a bit of driftwood scavenged from a fresh water creek that's about 90mm in diameter and about 1m long that's riddled in grooves made from wood borers and has a few interesting splits.What I would like to do is to fill these grooves and splits with glow resin to create a glowing wizard/shamanic staff. Purely for decorative purposes though it would be nice for the stick to be somewhat resistant to breaking if dropped etc. The wood isn't the strongest (yellow wood, quite light) but is whole and sturdy enough to swing about. Overall it's just to look cool and maybe wave about in a drunken state.The method. I've already lightly sanded the surface of the stick to a high grit ensuring the grooves remain (grooves range from 1-3mm deep all over the surface, I'm hoping this will be sufficient enough for the glow resin to settle in). I should mention it's not an even surface, I sanded to the natural contours of the wood though it is mostly cylindrical with a few smooth 'nodules'. It looks really nice as it is because of the contrast between the darker untouched wood in the grooves against the clean sanded surface. I am thinking about going over all the grooves with a dremel to give them a bit more depth and to help reflect more light while glowing (having a natural backing vs the current dark wood) though not sure if it's necessary or if I have the ability to do so without stuffing it up. Depends on what feedback I get from you guys really! This is where the questions start.I should prefix this with 'I don't have a clue what I'm doing'. This has been an idea I've had for a while since seeing some of the other glow resin projects on this sub. This is my first time using resin and I know very little about woodworking and it's processes.Now that that's outta the way I'll list below how I was thinking to tackle the project from this point. 1. Apply dalys benite to strengthen the wood 2. Sand back and reapply. Leave for a few days 3. Mix up resin and glow dust, apply with foam brush into cracks, splints and grooves while turning to avoid pooling (not too sure how I'm going to mange to keep it level and turning, hoping by hand will be sufficient ) 4. Once cured after a few days sand back excess resin up to high grit. Repeat steps 3-4 again if necessary (don't think it will be but we'll see) 5. Use clear high gloss spray finish 6. Be a wizardFor the resin I'm going to find some doming 2 part resin and run a few tests on some scrap wood to get a feel for things. Is there anything I'm missing? Any help, critiques or tips on any of the above? Or am I thinking about this all the wrong way?Thanks for reading through this, I hope it is clear enough for people to give critism and pointers, honestly any feedback would be helpful.TL:DR; how would you make a glow resin impregnated piece of driftwood? via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2GeS3AE