Guys Me and my SO are looking to move to a major world capital and we have 2 choices.
1 flat outside the centre, close to work 15 minutes public transport or 45 minute walk.
65m sq. no kitchen, water included heating included older building. It rough round the edges, bit of a boring area edging on a tad rough.
744 in local currency
Flat in the heart of the city, 20 min bus or 1 hour 45 min walk to work
57 sq m, water not included, but heating is. Comes with a kitchen. Fantastic area lots to do feels nicer and is a newer neater building.
1071 in local currency. Which compared to other world cities is an absolute bargain
Or 163.5 each more.
Heart says center mind says outskirts.
We save money most months and have previously paid similar (1041/month) and have managed, but I am trying to justify 2000k each a year on merely living somewhere “nice” as opposed to “does the job”.
We make around 4.5k a month and probably spend 1k each in a frivolous month.
Outside opinions/thoughts?
Edit: we currently own our own kitchen and would either take it with us or sell it
February 08, 2018 at 11:35AM