After losing two jobs in a row due to capsizing companies, and showing up 30 seconds late several times i got myself into a lot of revolving debt due to several uneducated reasons in which i find unimportant to mention, a conversation for another time.
For the past year I've been riding 90%+ utilization, attempting to pull myself out of this hole, struggling and unhappy.
I have been juggling my balance between several cards and as of today I've fallen below 80% utilization. I realize that this figure is actually quite horrible, but i needed a mornent to share my satisfaction with the positive progress I've been making. It certainly hasn't been easy.
Note: its worth mentioning that at 29 Im back in school working 32 weeks part time, 22 weeks full time. My revolving debt was something like 45% of my annual income. (Disclaimer; that figure was after i made a professional move in the chemical industry in August 17'. Before that i was waiting tables for inconsistent tips at 3.15 an hour.)
Submitted January 05, 2018 at 05:51AM by capzeyez