We live in the United States. My Father just retired. He is not well mentally, I suspect he's hit a manic episode, he is bi-polar. He just turned 60. He has been making some poor decisions with money, making purchases he normally wouldn't. These are all very new behaviors. He hasn't been all that forthcoming with some of the people he's been hanging out with, and he just bought a car for someone. I don't know who, and the fact that he did this and I don't know who, is raising some big red flags for me. I'm concerned he is being taken advantage of, and being made to make purchases.
Is there anything I can do? I'm reading about 3rd party handlers to help handle people with mental health issues finances. He's not in a healthy mental state to I think be making some of these purchases. I know I can't do anything about small stuff, but I can't believe these things like buying a car, under mental duress can be considered entirely legal.
Submitted January 04, 2018 at 11:00PM by AntiHer0z http://ift.tt/2EXF0nl