First off I’m 18 and I have twin babies. I got married at 16 and then I got pregnant (no, I wasn’t pregnant when I got married and it wasn’t shotgun, I was just stupid). I got pregnant shortly after with my twins and I love them more than anything. They’re my world and they’re 1 right now. My husband and I started out great. But I didn’t know him very long and his true colors started to come out after getting married. He got worse and worse and I can’t live with it anymore. I don’t want to go into details but I can’t do this anymore or he’s going to kill me one day. I found out I’m pregnant again and I can’t have my babies live like this. I need to get out but I don’t know how.
I don’t have anything to my name. I was homeschooled most of my life so I don’t have a diploma or school records or anything. I don’t have a drivers license or a bank account or any money. I’m barely and adult and I’ve got two babies to take care of and another along the way. All I have is my birth certificate. I don’t know where to start. My family will not take me in. They are very religious and don’t believe in divorce. When I leave my husband I know that I’m going to be losing my whole family too. It happened to my cousin, her husband beat her bloody and when she divorced him we all were told to stop talking to her because she broke a covenant of God. I think God wants me to leave, I can feel Him telling me this isn’t right, but my family won’t see it that way.
I know I have made a lot of stupid mistakes to get me here. I know that. I don’t need anyone to tell me that because I already know. But I do need help figuring out what to do. I need to leave but I don’t know how I’m going to build a life for myself with nothing to my name. I don’t know where I’m going to go and what I’m going to do. I’m hoping someone here will be able to tell me how to start getting my life started. Please help.
Edit: I just wanted to edit and say that I know that I can go to a shelter and the part where I leave is only second in my mind. I’m most concerned about how I’m going to provide for my kids without being with him or having nothing. That’s what’s keeping me here. If it was just me I could live on the street and beg and steal to live, but my babies deserve better than that and I don’t know how to pay for food and a home and college when I don’t even have an ID or a diploma. I don’t want to make a holy show by leaving going to a shelter and find out that I can’t support my family and have to go back. If that happens I don’t know what he’ll do to me
Edit again: I have to go spend some time with my family so I will be gone for a bit. I haven’t responded to all the comment but I’ve read them all and I’m very grateful. I’ll check this again when I’m alone again
Submitted January 13, 2018 at 10:11AM by Leavemyhusbandplease