Sorry if the "coma" is unclear, I didn't want to put a full description in the header. So here's more clarity:
My husband and I separated in April 2017. Divorce complaint was filed a few weeks ago and service was completed, we have the signature etc. There has been no finalization or decree of divorce, we don't even have a Divorce Agreement executed yet.
Last week my husband went into a rehab facility for alcohol dependence. That night, he stopped breathing, and was sent to a local hospital ICU, where he was put on a ventilator (after getting my permission.) He has not been conscious since, as the ventilator is still required for him to breathe.
I spoke with the nurse last night, who told me he "could go either way" at this point - so I'm assuming his chances of making it are 50/50.
Since he isn't deceased, I don't think I can take over any of his financial accounts for management, but I do need to stop things like bill auto pay and other payments since he has no income coming in. He auto pays his car, insurance, phone, everything.
We are in Pennsylvania, if that makes a difference.
Any advice on next steps to protect both of our interest is welcomed. I am going to start with the bank he has his checking account with and move forward from there.
Thanks in advance.
Submitted January 23, 2018 at 07:47AM by walk_out_2_winter