2017 hit me like a freight train. I was floored in January with a trip to the ER for a torn muscle in my back, then floored again in April when a trailer jack broke sending a 3,216lb trailer straight onto my foot, sending me back to the ER.
In May, my front brakes went out, and in October the rear brakes went.
My school payments have increased, but I don’t qualify for financial aid.
I spent way too much money throughout the year on stuff that didn’t matter(video games, gambling, movies, etc.) so when the emergencies came, I had nothing to work with.
This year, I will quit gambling, play the games I already own, wait for movies to come out on dvd at the library, and set up an actual rainy day fund. No more going out to eat on payday, time to buckle down and pack lunch. Time to work with less!
Hopefully, I can find some good tips here, and maybe make 2018 a fiscally responsible year for u/taylorschneider!
December 30, 2017 at 05:08AM