Here is my story, please hear me out. I will be brutally honest. Haven't paid taxes in 15 years. Became self-employed same year my wife lost her job and we had a second baby. I didn't know what I was doing and I still don't. I live in a pretty rural area where most people are self-employed laborers/truck drivers. And sadly my situation is very common. One person I know owed 80K and is just on a payment plan, so this made me feel ok to try and do my taxes.
I have a cash business delivery route (along the lines of a uniform service). I really don't have any records. I just went by the amount deposited in the bank and then added my weekly allowance. I make approximately 30K a year. Same for my wife but she has always had taxes taken out.
So I can go back to 2013 pretty easily. Beyond that I need to contact my old mortgage company for tax forms. Out of the past four years, two years I owe about $1000, one year I get a $1000 refund and one year I owe $85. Used standard deduction. Seriously, we are not living large. We barely have food. House is always in foreclosure, nothing for Christmas, etc.
I do not have any money to pay what I owe. But I am willing for the IRS to offer me a deal and set up payment arrangements. Once I have an amount (taxes, penalties, interest) I can probably get my hands on a few thousand dollars to pay it off. If not my mortgage will be paid off in five years and I can start really paying it off.
So, I did my taxes online. "Do I mail them in?" I read somewhere to send them in separate envelopes. "How long does it take to process them?" "Will the IRS freeze my bank account?" "Is it ok to file these four years now, and file going forward, while collecting the other info?" If I wait to do it all at once, it will never happen.
Please, no recriminations. My I don't need anyone to beat me up over this as I have been beating myself up for years.
Thank you in advance for any help or advice.
Submitted December 31, 2017 at 08:45AM by milleniumscootch