(I posted in /r/legaladvice and got minimal replies and directed here)
My half-sister lives in North Carolina with her grandparents. A recent falling-out between them due to rampant disobedience caused the grandparents to threaten/consider relinquishing custody of her to another relative. She chose me (I live in WA) and asked me if I could do it.
I've always been concerned with how she's been raised growing up and she and I have had a growing connection in the recent years and she seems to trust and respect me.
Financially, I'm stuck working a low-level job while I prepare for a two-year degree at college, and I'm not absolutely certain how much more per month I would need to be making in order to be recognized by the state as a candidate for guardianship/cover extra expenses that she might contribute to my overall expenses.
Would the state help me if I were to take her in? Would the courts deny me if I didn't make enough?
Current income: $20,000 annually.
Submitted December 07, 2017 at 02:22AM by Gr13fm4ch1n3 http://ift.tt/2jns3dm