I have added up all the free stuff I've gotten over the past 6 months from both Sears and Kmart and it's amounted to over 600$ retail.
I have an online account with both as does my partner. It seems especially over the last month every week we get either $25 or $18 to spend for free. There are limitations on what you can spend it on like no cleaning products, cosmetics, food...
In addition, I have downloaded their "winnit" app where you can get additional points to use at their store by playing their sweepstakes. On average, if I play daily I receive about $10 a week which can be used on anything. Some weeks it's over $25. Once, I won $100.
Normally, I would not shop at either store. Kmart makes me feel icky when there and Sears is just sad. However, I have not paid for washing detergent (usually what I use my sweeps points to get) in 6 months. I've got a fancy toaster, mixing bowls, cookie sheets, socks, pajamas, jeans, leggins, thermals, tools, boots,and hoodies, pillows, sheets, a humidifier, all for free.
December 19, 2017 at 02:40PM