So this layoff came quite literally out of nowhere. I was in the middle of some projects at work. Just had a department meeting last week and no red flags to be seen. Bank had sold off some of it's mortgage portfolio, but I'm in IT in the back so everyone around me was told little to no effect on us. SURPRISE.
Rent has been paid this month and a few other bills, but $325 car payment is coming up. A paycheck just hit last night so I've got about $1,600 in the bank at this moment. I should get another check for the 3 days I worked this pay period, as well as compensation for 2 unused vacation days, 2 personal days, and 2 sick days, and a $1,900 pre-tax severance check.
Monthly bills are as follows:
- Rent - $620
- Car - $326 (Completely upside down on this piece of shit car because I didn't know shit when I financed it and desperately needed a car and was in an okay position to handle payments)
- ^ Insurance - $45
- Cable - $107 (Will cut this down to just internet)
- Various credit cards - $245 ($6000 remaining)
- LASIK payment - $107 ($2200 remaining)
- Mattress payment - $40 ($420 remaining)
- Cell - $104
- Parking garage - $90
- MLB ticket package - $50 (2-3? payments left)
- NBA ticket package - $130 (one? payment left)
So the credit cards are nearly maxed out as I had to use them extensively when I switched jobs earlier this year and started in the middle of a pay period so I had to wait extra long. Either way, I thought I was in a position with this job to recover and I was doing quite well until now.
The season ticket packages are almost done as far as the payments go and the tickets have value on the other end of this if I can squeak through. I don't know the policy off hand if I stop paying now as to whether I get a portion of the tickets or forfeit them all, but that sounds like it would be a bad idea to cancel if the latter is the result.
Am I completely stupid to consider paying my rent a couple months in advance with my severance money then put the remaining towards bartending/mixology classes and at the very least get a bartending gig at night until I get this shit straightened out?
I've already started the unemployment process, but I don't know how much I'm going to get from that or anything about it as far as what I am allowed to earn and still get benefits.
I have a couple months left of life insurance that's worth well more than my current net worth... should anything happen... but Jesus Christ, idk what to do.
I've got what I would consider marketable skills, certifications, and college education but I can't even get fucking interviews for jobs that I'm qualified for at this point. I've got nothing..
PC Technician in a K-12 school district for 2 years. Experience with both MAC and PC hardware and software installs/repairs/upgrades/updates. Some exposure to things like Active Directory/GPO/SCCM but not a whole lot.
Most recent work was at one of the top 20-30 banks in the country as an IT Asset Manager Admin for 11 months. Mostly organizing and storing thousands of PCs and related equipment, disposals of obsolete equipment, generating reports, etc.
Certifications include:
Microsoft Technology Associate: Windows Mobility and Device Fundamentals
Microsoft Technology Associate: Windows Server Administration Fundamentals
Certified Hardware Asset Management Professional
Certified Asset Management Professional
Submitted December 08, 2017 at 06:16PM by _dankey_kang