My girlfriend of 8 years has just been diagnosed with cancer. Looking for financial advice with this. Financially, I'm trying to figure out how we can do to weather this storm. Some details below:
- She is employed, and she does have Kaiser health insurance. Work is giving her the time off, and she will continue receiving the insurance benefits.
- We've just been hit by this dilemma, and so I haven't seen the bills yet nor do I know what to expect as far as how much insurance will be covering.
- I'm currently on Obamacare. Since we're not married and she's not under my plan, I'd imagine there's nothing I can do to extend some sort of benefit from my insurance to help her.
- She has around 120K in savings, I have around 100K in savings.
- I'm unemployed and my unemployment has dried up after 6 months. Still aggressively interviewing
Any advice here? Thanks
Submitted December 21, 2017 at 06:52PM by BirefringentSky