So, my work offers great benefits but when I was looking to add my wife and my kids to my insurance, something didn't add up (pun sort of intended.)
The Price for Employee + Child(ren) is $179.40.
The Price for Employee + Spouse is $289.13.
The price for Employee + Family (children and spouse) is $514.93.
It seems like it costs more to have everyone added together than it does to add them individually. Maybe it's my capitalistic brain that won't let me comprehend this but why would i pay more per person for insurance when I'm having more people? It's like the opposite of Economies of Scale (may not apply directly to this as it isn't a tangible product.)
Thanks for any help with this!
EDIT* My employer pays for my health coverage 100%.
Submitted November 07, 2017 at 01:26PM by manbearpigj0sh