Hey all. I just finished re-tiling a bathroom floor and now realizing that the way the toilet was installed was a bit odd.The soil pipe has (what I assume) is a lead riser that was bent/flared out over the flange. I had to clean old wax off the bent pipe and then bend it upwards to remove the flange.Here are the before and after pics... http://ift.tt/2zYS63o have a few questions now that I realized this was not normal...Is this just a lead riser or does this look like a completely lead soil pipe?My plan was to cut down this riser with a Dremel and fix a new flange over it...one that has about 3 inches of pvc extending below the metal flange. Is this an acceptable solve, or...Should I put the flange back and re-bend the riser over it?Didn't know if this required a plumber to replace the pipe or if this pvc extender could fix it. Also just didn't want to go cutting a pipe without getting an opinion on it.This was my first DIY project and didn't want to put everything back if there was more urgent issues that needed to be attended to. via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2hK4dHz