Bit of a humble brag post here, but just wanted to say that it's worth having a bit of a diy attitude to fixing things. I'm by no means a handy person, but a bit of research on the net saves a lot of money. Also environmentally we're too used to a disposable society.
Now for the actually story. The 10 year old Samsung front loader washing machine wasn't draining properly, and clearing the debris catcher didn't help. So after a bit of research, I thought I'd check the pump itself. (Pro-tip: flip the machine on it's side to access underneath.) It did have a 20 cent piece in the pipe leading to the pump, which probably stressed out the pump motor, and ultimately lead to it's demise.
Though we've money to buy a new machine, I took a gamble and ordered a new pump from eBay for AUD$50 (same brand as the existing one) and it worked. I'm hoping it'll at least last for another 5 years, before it has trouble again. Overall, fixing it, for me, is better for the environment, and better for the wallet.
November 22, 2017 at 07:54AM