This is just based on friends and research.
Bartending takes a minimum of 1-2 months of training, get certified from your local business school and they either get you a job or you're landing one. Only take part-time with this, entry level can go around $14-15 (depending on your city).
Massage therapy can also take 2-3 months. Depending on what type of entry you want. Guarantee you can catch a $15-17 even signing up to a private or branch (Massage Envy) you can also just freelance and specialize on types (women/men) as my friend has done.
If you have a balance of both, you can basically have a minimum of 2-3k per month, this is if you're by or in a dense pop. area. With the tips you're going to get, you would also get that money rolling.
No 2-4 year cert. or degree required. Just go through the rough and tumble of massaging persons you don't like, and getting cuts but it's about the process.
What do you guys think? I like the idea of having more free-time as I think 9-5 these days are just not worth it for some day jobs. Any other advice?
October 08, 2017 at 10:09PM