I am a recent newlywed like a month recent and my husband wants to go to graduate school. It's something we talked about before the wedding and now with that expense out of the way, I want to create a savings nest while he is in school. Here's the facts.
- Husband doing 2-3 year for Environmental Engineering hoping for a masters but some programs need him to have a BSE first. His mom will support with the cost of the first year of school, he has savings for the next 1-2 for tuition,books.
Actual cost 2 bedroom apartment for $1620, we live in an expensive metro area. I think we can find a 1-2 bedroom that is cheaper once this lease is up for 1200-1300. Buying a house the average mortgage is similar to current rent -$200 for food -$300 for utilities (electric,trash,phones) -$100 dogs misc
I have student loans, and a college credit card I am paying off. We currently put $1200 in for our joint expenses each month including modest savings. Currently, hubby works full time as a teacher. How much should be set aside before August 2018 to not fill the crunch of being a 1 income family for at least the first year?
October 03, 2017 at 10:51AM