I've been tracking my net worth since 2009, or two years after I graduated college.
I do not work in finance and have some pretty basic excel skills. When we got married I decided it would be neat to see just how we were doing every month. So... I've been tracking my net worth for eight years and while monthly gains are often unnoticeable - it is obvious what is happening when I look at the corresponding graph.
My spreadsheet (linked picture - not actual sheet) shows percentage assets in everything from liquid assets (33%) to my kid's education fund (4.5%). My favorite part is seeing the debt line go down in a steady pace.
My suggestion to others is - if you are having trouble picturing where you want to be (or where you've been) make a graph. It keeps me on my toes to maintain my investments and shows me how paying off debts really helps the "familial bottom line." Keep chugging along - and invest your money - most of my gains have been in the market. Every little bit helps in the long run!
I am more than open to suggestions on how to make this better! Enjoy!
Monthly Spreadsheet: http://ift.tt/2xadkXh
Submitted October 02, 2017 at 09:49AM by secondnameIA http://ift.tt/2wsK26p