Hi all. I'm a student in Boulder looking to enter a pharmD program. I graduated from CU Boulder Summa cum laude in Molecular Biology.
I'm interested in pharmacy for three reasons.
- I like biology
- I like healthcare
- While people don't like this reason for entering a career, the money.
I'm interested in doing a pharmD at Skaggs down in anschutz (first on my list, i've applied elsewhere). I've lived in this area for 20 years, and I'm not sick of it yet so I intend to stay here.
Anyways, I hear all this stuff about market saturation, dropping wages, poor hours, irregular schedules etc. I know it's true. Pharmacy grads are double what they were 10 years ago. But will it make me regret my degree? How's the retail climate? How's the clinical cilmate?
My vision is a stable job, good earnings, and normal hours/schedule with some vacation time. Ideally, I'd like a few weeks off every year, but the norm is 2 so that's find until I advance up the food chain.
Any input is welcome.
Submitted October 01, 2017 at 12:32PM by lardtazium http://ift.tt/2fDsUnH