Not sure if this is the right place for this, but here goes
Also, don't know if this makes too much difference, but I'm in the UK
I've been working at an SME for 3 years now and have managed to work my way up from a month's unpaid internship to the role of Chief Operating Officer. Over the past 6-12 months the company has been through a difficult patch, but we are now coming out fighting (although we're not completely out of the woods yet)
Due to our current financial position I know the company aren't able to offer me a salary increase but they're keen to "tie me down", as it were. I have been told that it is likely they are going to offer me shares in the company over the next couple of weeks. There are currently only two shareholders (the founders and co-directors), so this would be a big step for the company. I wouldn't be asked to offer any investment
Is there any reason why I shouldn't accept the shares if they offer them to me?
TL;DR - is there ever a reason you shouldn't accept shares in a company if they're offered to you without you having to invest?
Submitted September 04, 2017 at 05:26AM by itdoesnttakemuch