My roommate Jay (name changed for obvious reasons) has been a part of Amway since earlier this year. My other roommate Matt and I have watched him spend hundreds of dollars in buying their product to get points for his "business" and even spend hundreds of more dollars so he can travel states away to a "leadership convention" where they funnel out bullshit via no-name motivational speakers and leadership skills.
Matt and I know how this goes. Myself personally, have almost gotten involved with Vector Marketing and Amway before doing more research and realizing that it was only designed to benefit those on the very tippy top - thus a pyramid scheme.
Jay does not believe it is one. He has not provided reasoning, and instead insisted that because the executives and people he talks to through Amway has told him it's not, that makes it so. What makes it even crazier to all of us (including other friends of ours), is that he is a junior in college as a business major. What business major does not know how to discern a pyramid scheme from something legitimate?
So far, he has made zero money. When this is pointed out to him, his answer shifts from, "i'm in it for the business and leadership experience," to "well in the long run, once I sink my feet in, I'll be making profit."
Also, so far - he has recruited only a few people, and bought all of the product himself. Through this, he has shown stubbornness and arrogance towards Matt and myself in justifying his involvement. We have shown him discussions, videos, and data that has demonstrated how much this screws people over. He has either not looked at/watched them, or he has deflected saying they are not "credible sources."
He has put off time with his friends and those he cares about to go to these conferences and attend meetings of which he, again, has gained NOTHING FROM. Matt and I are at our wit's end and it is really ruining our relationship with him. We avoid him, do not talk to him except when we need bills paid, and are completely put off by his approach to this. We are at our wit's end, but still want to help, even though we've basically at this point just considered letting him make his own mistakes and learn the hard way.
Reddit, you are my last resort to turn to on how to approach this. Is he too far gone? Is there anything we can do/say/show him that could finally snap something in him? How do we stop Jay from wasting his time and money away into something that will never yield results?
I need different perspective, new information, and anything that you all are willing to share with me. He needs to change. Badly.
Submitted September 17, 2017 at 09:23PM by greekmatthew