This might be the wrong sub for this, but I didn't know where to turn.
I've never sold a car before, I always ride till they die and junk it. I don't know what I need to do.
Do I need to provide the title or only a bill of sales? Do I need to pay taxes on the sale? If I put all of the money gained into purchasing a new car will that avoid some tax? If I let someone take a test drive and they are in an accident, am I liable for costs?
Where is the best place to list a car? news paper? craigslist? other?
I will put all money back into buying a new new to me car. Where is the best place to find one on the cheap? I've had pretty good luck with cars. When I asked around a too good to be true offer present it self in a few weeks. I feel like that ship has sailed and am on my own.
September 09, 2017 at 03:45AM