I'm a 27 year old female, working 2 jobs: m-f office job, $15/hr, health insurance and standard benefits. The other is a retail job on Saturdays and Sundays, $10.50/hr, about 12-15 hrs per week. My rent is $820/mo, car is $179/mo, I try to save on groceries but it ends up being about $25-30 per week. Everything I don't spend goes to savings. I have no debt, about $55k in savings.
I'm really feeling the wear of working every day. My boyfriend broke up with me a month ago (not related I know, but I haven't been in a great mood since it happened. I like having the extra money, but I really hate my retail job. I'm finding it harder to pick myself up and go to work every day. I don't know what I'm saving for anymore, it was going to be for a house someday but that seems pointless. I don't know, I don't really like much about my life anymore. Not going to a job I hate is at least something I can do to change it.
Sorry for the rant. Does it make sense to quit this job?
Submitted August 19, 2017 at 07:49PM by HeyZeusItsLoose http://ift.tt/2x2ee9w