Back in early November I accidentally rear ended someone and left a small dent in the back door of their van. At the time I did not have insurance on the vehicle that I was in and we just traded information and decided not to get the insurance company involved or do a police report. He calls me yesterday(1/27/17) and tells me that he took his van to the shop and that it cost him $3200 to get the dent repaired. He wouldn't reason with me or work out any type of payment plan with him and told me that he will get the cops to "look for me" if I didn't have the money by the end of the week. I am only 24 years old and I make roughly $2,200 a month from my job. All of my bills/rent/gas/groceries come up to about $1,900 each month. I believe taking out a loan isn't possible because I have too many credit accounts open(2 cars & a dental bill.) I'm in the state of California. What are my options? What exactly can I do?
Also I want to note that the owner of the vehicle wasn't driving when I hit it. It was one of his workers and I do have his information still not the owner of the vehicle though.
Submitted January 28, 2017 at 03:02PM by AngelNightmarex