Hi everyone. I'll just start with saying this sub is awesome and definitely helped contribute to our financial success. My wife and I have always been frugal and lived well below our means. Our lifestyles are pretty equivalent to when we first got married 12 years ago and we don't see ourselves wanting anything more in the future. We're happy with what we have.
I guess this is a bit of a first world problem but we don't know what to do with our money. We have a paid off house, paid off cars, no debt. Over 1m in retirement accounts and other investments and we just keep pouring money into those, but at this point it's safe to say we could probably live off our current investments for the rest of our lives with our current lifestyles.
We're late 30's and still have no desire to have kids. We don't make what I consider a lot of money, $160k combined in a fairly high cost of living area, but with no debt and low living expenses it's a lot more than we need. We give to charity but there aren't a lot of charities that we feel comfortable giving our money to where we know it'll go straight to causes we care about.
My wife loves her job and says she has no desire to retire in the forseeable future. I wouldn't say I love my job but I like it well enough and I don't know what I would do with my time if I quit.
Maybe this is more of a personal issues post, but it seems like we worked hard to get to this point and now that we're here it's like, what now? Maybe we should invest in commercial property or something but we don't know anything about that. I don't feel like a millionaire even though I guess I am.
I guess my question is, what happens when you get to the "end of the line"? What's the next step? Feeling pretty lost.
Submitted August 02, 2017 at 10:09AM by financethrow9 http://ift.tt/2tZV0PS