I recently discovered that the cheapest way to get meat in my area, by far, is to go to the most expensive grocery store. This surprised me too. I've discovered that expensive stores, in my case a Martins, practically give away any meat that has any wierdness. I dont want botulism! I hear you say, but let me clarify. The customers in these stores are super picky, and easily offended, so nearly anything out of their idea of ordinary is enough for items with standard discounts to sit untouched. Even massive discounts rarely move oddities. What kind of oddities, you ask? The most common one seems to be chicken and pork that have been overfilled with nitrogen. Its likely that they are just produced in a very low lying factory, and my area has a higher elevation. The packages are a bit poofy if they are airtight. People seem to think that its poofy due to rotting, and dont touch the stuff. I have gotten many of them, and most were marked down the day they were put on the shelf! I recently picked up ten pounds of ground chicken for about $2.50. I got a 4 pound top sirloin roast for $1.25, some of the most delicious premarinated chicken breasts ever for 60 cents, and a large rack of marinated ribs for 2 bucks. Meats are the most expensive part of my diet, and my last stubborn vice, so this has been amazing. I dont buy anything else there, except for the occaaional loaf of fresh baked bread, cuz its cheap and good, but its worth it to go there only for this, because it has litterally cut the prices by 60 or 70%! The only issue is that you need decent freezer space, because you never know what youll get, and how much of it there is. Since its usually a lot of smaller packages, its easy to just defrost what you need.
August 17, 2017 at 01:52PM