Family of 4. Single income. I'm doing a [fitness]competition at the end of October, so I won't be able to do this food menu until November. My goal would be to save boatloads of money after this comp. 4 years ago I did a year of crockpot dinners. It saved us so much in order to build up our savings toward a down payment on a house. The only problem is I can't really eat out of a crockpot anymore (besides the old roast or stew). I want to do something similar. I want to come up with breakfast, lunch, dinner meals for 1 week. SMTWTFS. Similar ingredients to keep costs down, but different variations each day of the week so we don't get sick of it, also, healthy as possible (vegetables, lean protein, complex carbs, low dairy). I want to do this so I can build up our savings again.
Here's our current budget: /month
Auto Insurance $250 (this is entirely too high, we're going to see if we can get it lowered or switched. it's for two cars full coverage)
Car Pmt $450 (actual note it 415, but I pay extra each month
Gasoline $100
Energy $80
Internet $45
Phones $100 (two smart phones)
Natural Gas $35
Utilities $90
Life Insurance $66
Savings $850
Groceries $500
Doctor $60
Pharmacy $30
Mortgage $2200 (actual pmt is 2000, I pay a little extra on all debts)
Home Supplies $30
Vacation Savings $150
Preschool $580 (This on really sucks, bc my spouse really wants him to go to prek, but we don't qualify for public free prek)
Gym $11 (refuse to drop this one bc it is 3 miles from my house and free childcare while I workout, and working out is extremely important to me)
Every single penny of our income goes into this budget, there is no leftover costs. There also isn't really anything I can sacrifice either besides groceries. So that's why I am trying to come up with this big money saving meal plan.
August 09, 2017 at 10:18PM