Sorry is this has been asked, but I didn't see anything similar in the search results. They seem to be immune to some of the issues around tech IPOs that are sometimes over-speculated, and I'm curious how they do it.
Do they go by market cap? So if Apple was 0.5% of the total market, the fund would hold 0.5% Apple?
I don't think they just hold one share of every trading company.
Do they have other rules, like not buying shares of penny stocks, or waiting 3 months after an IPO?
I know there are other specialized rules they use for small-cap index that would be pretty straightforward, so that's why I'm asking about the whole market general index funds. I'm assuming there's a few core rules that apply to all their index funds, and think that the general index funds would be the best example of just the barebones rules.
Hope that makes sense.
Submitted August 27, 2017 at 10:15AM by geeklimit