Hello everyone, per the title I'm looking for advice on cleaning an entire house (living room, bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, etc.) with the least amount of spending possible.
I am renting a 5 bed/2 bath house with four other people. I have lived in this house for a little over a year and have never really cleaned. I work two jobs and go to school but am finally on break and ready to tackle this massive job.
Our house has had many different people come and go over the last year and we finally have a group that will be here for the foreseeable future.
We have no cleaning supplies really so will need to buy everything (broom, mop, cleaning solutions, even gloves for the more disgusting parts of he house, i.e. the bathrooms).
We are all college students and definitely don't have a ton of money to spend and I've definitely never had to thoroughly clean a house like this before. It's gotten pretty bad from all the people moving in then moving out without cleaning or throwing their unwanted things away.
There is mold on the walls, gunk in the tub, stains on the toilet and pretty much everywhere else, spiderwebs and dust in every room.
We've started off by making a list of things we need and now are trying to decide where to buy everything. My first thought was getting as much as I can from the dollar store but am unsure if their products will be good enough to get the job done.
Any advise on cleaning supplies and tools would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
TLDR: We live in a trap house and everything makes me wanna puke. Looking for the most bang for my buck in terms of cleaning supplies.
August 29, 2017 at 09:36PM