I just finished reading David Swenson's "Unconventional Success".
Basically, he suggests investing in a diversified group of asset classes that do not show correlation.
He only recommends 5% emerging markets because of the historical underperformance of emerging markets.
Yet, I don't see much correlation between individual emerging markets. China's market does not correlate to Latin America. Nor does either correlate to India.
I looked into an emerging market index fund, and I'm kind of underwhelmed. Especially with emerging markets, I'd rather pay attention to quality than just scatter shot at a broad index.
I'm thinking Mexico, India, and China (tech), as especially compelling nations for emerging markets investment.
So what's the general opinion here? A broad emerging market index, or more selective emerging market etfs?
Submitted August 22, 2017 at 03:50PM by bodhibob http://ift.tt/2ionsJX