So after suffering all last summer and this summer in a top unit condo where we bake alive on days that get above 90, we are breaking down and buying a small window air conditioner for the living room. It routinely gets as hot downstairs and about 4-5 degrees HOTTER (in our loft) than it is outside in the evening, which where we are in the northwest is the hottest part of the day. Once it gets above 90 inside, even if we open the doors and windows as soon as it drops below 90 outside and run 3-4 fans, it won't cool down to a bearable temperature until 1-2am. If we can just cool it down to around 80 or even 85 before trying to go to sleep, we'd be happy (we've been sleeping in the living room with the windows open anyways because our 'bedroom' is a loft with no window and it's like an oven up there).
Always, I was wondering the most energy efficient way to cool our place down to a bearable temperature? Obviously, we wouldn't run the A/C on days that aren't getting above 90, but on the days that do, it would be nice to have the option. It generally stays pretty cool until around 4-5pm, then starts rapidly getting very hot, with the heat peaking around 7pm. Electricity goes up from 7+ cents per KWH to 13+ cents per KWH at 5pm weekdays and stays that expensive until 10pm. I am wondering if getting a head start on cooling before it becomes unbearable (say turning the unit on around 3pm) when electricity is cheaper will make it have to run less when the heat of the day strikes and electricity rates jump? We actually have insulated curtains (Kume curtains like these I made not cheap "insulated" ones from stores) so I would imagine if I got it all closed up and got a head start on cooling it would kind of work in theory like how a cooler keeps insulated items cool? Or am I way off base? Any tips on saving on A/C costs I'm not seeing? I hate the thought of adding one of these energy sucking beasts but I also can't continue not being able to get to sleep until 2am because it is so hot either.
July 24, 2017 at 11:44AM