Hi guys, hope you can help me out. My situation is as follows.
I have just moved overseas from Australia to the UK for an intended couple of years where I was making around $60K AUD per year, in a 3D product visualisation roll for a fairly highly renowned company within its industry. After a bit of a job hunt I was offered a position for around ~40K AUD (25K GBP) at a company I think is pretty cool. They do some great work and the vibe of the company seems awesome. My only concern is the considerable gap in salary. I understand that standard of living and the different cities can be a factor, but I feel ~20K is way too much of a gap. The offer mentioned this was a 'starting salary' but I've read here that the best time to negotiate a higher salary would be now and not later on, after I've been working at the company.
I have 4 years of solid experience, straight after coming out of Uni, and even though I understand this isn't a lot, I feel like my folio so far is of a very high standard - Higher than some guys who have been in the industry for a while. What I'm basically asking for is some advice on how can I bring this topic up with the new company without appearing unprofessional. Thanks in advance.
Submitted July 30, 2017 at 08:58PM by deltaback http://ift.tt/2tUNSYW