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I sometimes feel that living more simply, more minimalist, more, well...laid back, that it has becomes much harder for me to make friends. I just turned 35 last weekend, and it seems as it I am still expected to go into a "normal" life. I tried college 4 times (with the debt to prove it). I don't mind hard work, but apparently it's not the "right" hard work. I have people that I talk to, but I couldn't call them friends because it's a pretty basic level of conversation, polite, neighborly conversation. I have hobbies and interests, but there always seem to be this underlying idea that somehow you are suppose to have particular interests after a certain age...or at least that how it is presented to me.

Maybe it is harder for me because I did spend the first 30 years of my life doing things I was not okay with to have friends. Drinking, drugs, things like that. It would be clearly uncomfortable, but people would say "This is what you do if you want to hang with us". Losing 5 friends to drugs and alcohol in three years made me reevaluate my life, not to mention the surge of people my age dying.

There is a lot of "you should be" in my life with other people. Now it's money. I should be spending money on this and that. I should be using my money to go out and go to all these places. The only people I talk to regularly without ending up in "why aren't you living this way?" are my husband and a girl I met here through reddit, who is even more minimalist that I ever have been.

So what about you? Do you find it harder to have friends, or at least people who understand you?

Submitted July 19, 2017 at 01:56PM by GhostIllusions http://ift.tt/2tqJuAE

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