Hey guys!
I've searched through the sub for some good budgeting apps, but most every suggestion is YNAB and Mint. While I'm sure these are mighty fine apps, I have a couple problems. 1) I am poor, and cannot afford to purchase an app or software right now. 2) I absolutely do not want to be required to enter in my bank information, or any other type of information if I do not want to.
I want something where I can categorize my bills, my needs, my luxuries; input a budget; input my spending habits and saving habits; update goals and progress; see some visuals of said progress (or lackthereof); etc etc. I don't need an app that pays my bills for me or tells me how much I have in the bank or anything of that nature.
Is there an app for me!?
July 15, 2017 at 02:06PM