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It's hot here in FL, and I've been trying to get my electric bill down. I was using my ceiling fan and keeping the a/c fan on all day to circulate air, but that a/c fan uses a lot of power, and I still wasn't comfortable.

I used to have a stand fan that I kept blowing on me all day and it really did help keep me cooler. I left my last one at my last place, and never replaced it until yesterday. Wow. What a difference! I was having to keep my a/c on 79 (hot for a lot of you, I know, but I'm cold-natured) and was still uncomfortable. I now have the ceiling fan and a/c fans off, have my a/c set on 82, and just have my stand fan blowing on me and I'm comfortable. It is a little warm in the afternoon in the bathroom and kitchen, but I'm going to get some small wall-mounted fans for those rooms that I can just turn on when I'm in there.

I'll be interested to see what this does to my electric bill. The only problem I've had is that last night, the fan was making some sort of almost musical humming noise that kept me awake, so I ended up turning it off and using the ceiling fan and a/c. Still, I use most of my electric during the day when it's hot, so this should bring my bill down a few bucks.

I'm perfectly comfortable and the fan is on low. Yesterday afternoon, I turned the a/c off completely and turned it on high, but that wasn't enough, due to the horrid humidity down here, so I turned it back onto 82 and was very comfortable. I need that a/c to remove the humidity, but I think that I can maybe get a dehumidifier and be able to turn the a/c thermostat up even higher. A dehumidifier is bound to use less electric than this central air.

Submitted June 20, 2017 at 04:45PM by anybodyanywhere http://ift.tt/2rA3mwd

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