That's /r/simpleliving recently. Reckoned it's easy if I put all this together into one thread. We are happier with our constant plans we make towards simple living rather than actually living simply.
If you can be without maps, whatsapp or other apps which you think are indispensable now then there is no point in asking this sub which phone you need. You know it yourself.
And again, asking people how they got rid of FB or Twitter. They chose to sacrifice. There are down sides to it but that's the cost you got to pay. And career? God save you. Most men I know (or all men I know) don't like their job. You choose a fine line between the pay and time you get. An internet stranger cannot help you in a single thread where you post your question. Finding passion is a life's work and don't expect to find it cheap.
I had few fantastic experiences recently. I found a couple of nice strangers here in /r/simpleliving who proclaimed they have simplified their lives and made few interesting suggestions. I PMed them and was aghast to find out the amount of money they spend to live simply. I'd like to go on with that but I'm afraid that'll blow cover. But the point is, simple living is easy and if you constantly come here in search of it, I'm afraid you are not going to find it.
As an aside, I recently read Steinbeck's Cannery Row and was completely in love with it.
Submitted March 01, 2017 at 09:46PM by sidfest