Not sure how many of you are guilty of this but I know that I am. I like many people buy most of our household products (TP, soap, paper towels) in bulk to save money. However, I noticed that I tend to use more than necessary since I know that I have a lot more in stock. I had to take a dump the other day and we were on our last roll. I found myself using the bare minimum to get the job done, maybe even half of what I usually do. I notice this a lot too when cleaning up spills with paper towels. We'll just overestimate the amount of paper towels needed because we know there will be more. So, yes I am saving money on the per unit price of what I am buying in bulk, but if my consumption doubles or increases just enough to negate the savings, I am not saving in the long run. I think for many people, there is an illusion of saving money when in reality there may be no savings.
Even if you are able to control yourself, do you think other people in your household do? I imagine that most children end up forming habits of excess use because they have seen the mountain of paper towels in the closet.
Not saying that we should stop buying in bulk, just that we should be more mindful of our consumption.
Happy to hear your thoughts!
June 20, 2017 at 07:32AM