Hi, I am a freshman at university. I live in campus housing and have all my meals pre-paid, so rent isn't an issue and the cost of food is cut back considerably.
Anyways, I have $100 left to get me through until the 26th of May, when I'm paid next.
I was wondering if anybody could help me with budgeting tips. In that time/with the hundy dollars I need to be eating meals out of the hall at least a few times a week either because of allergies or because I'm not actually there.
Additional spendings; I have to obtain an outfit at some point for our formal. And also I have 2 lots of film I would like to develop (20$ a pop).
I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to make this money stretch (or grow) over the next 3 weeks? Doesn't need to be pretty, just needs to happen.
Submitted June 11, 2017 at 07:56AM by suddenlystevie http://ift.tt/2r7vJBR