Along with a lot of other major life changes, I came to a great realization on my last trip to Bonaire. Being more self aware these last few months I noticed whenever going on vacations, a person packs what they NEED. In a sense usually the essentials. Shirts, shorts, shoes, underwear, toiletries, etc.... I found that I can happily live for extended amounts of time off of just these basics. I realized everything I had left back home, I didn't need, was useless to me, and most importantly I was happy without. How am I going to apply this to daily life. Declutter, downsize, and take more time and enjoyment in traveling. Keep it to the basics. By no means, take this to an extreme level. Hopefully this can give you something to think about, and may spark a new perspective. Cheers
Submitted June 22, 2017 at 08:25PM by Beringescape