Recently decided what I want to go to school for. I've paid for 3 semesters already, one at a private school and 2 at a local college. Problem is I basically never showed up to class because I didn't care, and by doing so, have acquired a 1.77 GPA. I believe I have somewhere around $3000 in school loans. I wasn't super interested in what I was originally majoring in, and wasn't too ready for school maturity wise. I had originally planned out of high school to just work for a while and pay for all my classes at the local school I'm going to now, and getting a job in what my dad has been doing his whole life. Part of me choosing to learn about his field was because I knew it would make him happy to see me doing what he does, passing the torch type deal. He's told me before he can tell I'm not super interested in it, and said to do what I know will not make me want to kill myself when I wake up everyday. I work full time now and make about $1800 a month. Roughly $1300 after bills. I want to get a decent job after school and go to a well accredited college, but also don't want to acquire TOO much debt from going to school.
My questions are this I guess:
Should I take on the loans just to go to a decent school and pay it off slowly like everyone else with my job after I graduate?
Should I leave my current job and stay on campus somewhere if I do take on the loans?
Should I try to go to school online versus on campus if I do transfer? (I think I would take it more seriously in person)
Should I just finish my 4 years at my local college and try to land a job somewhere?
Is student loan debt as bad as everyone makes it out to be?
What's the smartest way to go about boosting my GPA in a realistic amount of time? Take more classes? Are there programs for grade forgiveness?
Submitted June 09, 2017 at 09:54AM by Dgcode123