Hello all,
first post here, I am a 27 year old single guy due to move houses (yet again). I will be moving to my first permanent residence, so I decided now is a perfect opportunity to get rid of stuff. I just de cluttered most of my wardrobe and it felt so good!
I am used to moving houses every year (as I am a student), but I always note I carry around lots of random clothes / items. Things like my graduation suit (from 8 years ago) that is oversized for me by a large margin, or shirts that I'd never wear, or pants that I have never even worn or are completely worn out. Most of my things are old. It's not that I do not have funds, or that the things I own are expensive (they are moderately cheap to replace). I didn't view the items as problematic, but rather that I take the action to move them around.
I have now filled 2 large bin bags for the charity box (either unworn or rarely worn clothes), and 1 large bin bag of old items for throwing away / rags. Feels amazing not to have all of these things cluttering the back of mind! At one time during a move I had filled a 30kg+20kg suitcases and a 2 backpacks worth of stuff.
I was just wondering what is people's experience with this sort of thing (moving + de-cluttering) and how to avoid packing my new place with stuff again, i.e. break the cycle.
Submitted June 27, 2017 at 12:33PM by rulerx http://ift.tt/2sivrYs