Nurse here. Hate my job, doesn't pay enough for what I do. Love numbers and money. Considering a career in trading/investments. I own a business as a side gig, and I provide services to high-end clients. The majority of my clients carry bachelors in finance, lawyers, doctors. The guys who are in finance seem to be making BIG bucks. Met this new client today he went from being a financial advisor at a bank to VP of an investment firm. Guy owns a million dollar penthouse in my city at a really young age and is absolutely killing it. Motivated me to change careers. Don't want to be stuck working as a nurse when I have the potential to become something bigger. Anyone here knows anything about what the career outlook is like for the average finance grad? Could I expect to be able to climb the ranks within 10 years into a salary with 200k+? Or do majority make around 80-100k? Does the school you go to matter if it's not one of the top Ivy League schools? I was considering state public school since it's a lot cheaper, but if going to a reputable private school is what its going to take to get to the next level then I'm all for it.
Submitted June 09, 2017 at 12:55AM by shouldifinance