I spent four hours setting up mint, adding all of my bank accounts and bills, setting up goals, only to find out mint doesn't have any sort of budget forecasting.
I was originally excited for a budgeting app after seeing what an old bootleg version of quicken did for my friend. Based off of current spending, current bills, they could forecast their budget and how much would be in their accounts at a certain point in time.
The reason I don't buy quicken is first off, im flat broke. Child support kicks my ass, im trying to save for a car to get out of this situation. The second reason is that I don't always have access to a computer. I was able to setup mint at work in my free time, and I love that there is a mobile app. But from what I understand about quick is that it requires software downloaded to the computer which isn't something im able to do.
Please suggest a few different budgeting apps that you use and why you like them. They need to be preferably free, and easily used between computer and phone.
Submitted June 29, 2017 at 07:16AM by supershimadabro http://ift.tt/2umz2WZ