So about 14 months ago I rear ended someone (~1200 damage) and they filed a claim. yesterday, I rear ended another person and they say they're going to file a claim for the estimated $4000 in damage (seems ridiculously high as the damaged parts were only the plastic pieces, but oh well). She won't allow me to settle it with cash.
Currently I pay $1200/year due to accident forgiveness on the first collision. using I anticipate this jumping by $1700/year to $2900 to maintain my liability-only coverage on my 2004 buick.
The car is falling apart and I've been considering a new one for some time, but have held out because of the insurance increase that would result from removing the accident forgiveness and adding the collision on top of liability.
But now, since it looks like I'm going to be paying $2900/year for this shitbox, I'm considering buying a ~2015 Toyota camry which would be about $3900/year to insure.
Any thoughts as to whether this is a dumb idea or not?
Submitted May 02, 2017 at 10:59AM by mcrae44